Lesson 2 - Our God, He is Alive


“Is there a God?” This is a most important question for each of us to consider. All of our thoughts and actions are affected by either a belief in God or a denial of His existence. But, how can we answer this question?

  1. By direct proof? We cannot know that there is a God because we cannot experience Him with our senses. We cannot see Him, hear Him, or touch Him. Because there is no direct proof, some say, “If I can’t see Him, hear Him, or touch Him, He does not exist.” These people are known as “rationalists” because to them belief in God is not reasonable.
  2. With no proof? Should we accept that there is a God without any proof at all? To do so we would be gullible. We should not accept that there is a God just because someone tells us we should or because we want Him to exist or feel the need for Him to exist.
  3. By indirect proof. This is reasonable way to examine the question of God’s existence. Is there adequate evidence to persuade us to believe that He exists?

The Bible does not begin with a formal argument defending the existence of God. Moses, the writer of Genesis, simply begins, “In the beginning God…” (Gen 1:1). However, the Bible does mention some arguments for God’s existence- common sense arguments that should come to the mind of everyone in the world, even if they have never seen or read a Bible.


Everything that is made is itself evidence of a maker. “For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” (Hebrews 3:4) What about our own houses? We may have seen them built, but most of us probably did not. But, do we believe that someone made them? Of course, we do!

Every effect must have a cause. Suppose you came into an office. You found the light on and some books open on the desk beside a steaming cup of coffee. What would you conclude? Someone has been here- and recently!

As we consider the universe, we must conclude that a Builder has been here! If we deny this, we are forced to take one of these unreasonable positions:

  1. The universe caused itself. So it had to exist before it existed??
  2. The universe came from nothing. This is like believing that there could be a smile without a face.
  3. Matter (what makes up the universe) is eternal. At some point, a totally random process of changes began that led to the formation of the world as we know it. Did the concrete, wood, nails, carpet, furnace, plumbing, etc. of your house just come together by chance? Would these materials turn into your house by chance even if you gave them billions of years to do it?

It is much more reasonable to believe in a Creator. But you ask, “But who made God?” If someone answered this, then you would ask, “Well, who made Him?” If someone answered this, you would say, “Well, who made Him?” etc. Logically, then, God, the Creator, must be eternal- the One who made everything was not made by anyone else, but has always existed. This agrees with what the Scriptures teach, “Before the mountains were born or You gave birth to the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God.” (Ps 90:2).

God’s power and divinity are invisible things, but we can see them clearly in His creation. (Rom 1:20) A power greater than anything man has ever seen must have brought all things into being. A Divine Mind must have directed this work. (see the examples in Eccl 11:5)


Please read Psalms 19:1-6. As David wrote, when we look at the sky, we see God’s beautiful handiwork. Though the sky does not literally speak, it is shouting both day and night to man, “There is a God and He is great!” David describes the magnificence of the sun as one example of design that demands a Designer. He compares the sunrise to the glow of the newly married bridegroom and the anxiousness of a runner to burst forth from the starting line. He also tells of the circuit of the sun. Every day, without fail, the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west, heating the earth as it makes its predictable rounds. We know to the very minute when it will rise and when it will set- can this be by accident or do we see design?

Examples of the wonderful design of this world are endless. God has not left Himself without witness (see Acts 14:17). Consider just a few examples:

  1. Water is the only liquid in the world which is lighter when frozen than when in liquid form. Since water is lighter in frozen form, in the winter ice floats on the top so that sea life is still preserved below. Design or chance?
  2. Salmon spend years at sea and then return to the spot where they were born. They will fight upstream to reach their destination. Design or chance?
  3. Eels, when they are full grown, migrate to Bermuda from both Europe and America. There they breed and die. Their little ones find their way back to the waters their parents came from. No American eel has been caught in Europe and no European eel has been caught in America. Design or chance?
  4. The earth’s speed of rotation on its axis, its degree of slant, the thickness of its atmosphere and crust, and its distance from the Sun and the moon are all just right for life. Design or chance?
  5. Our bodies- As David said, man himself is “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps 139:14). Think about the process of seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching. The complex workings of our senses are beyond most of us to grasp. Consider our DNA, the unique blueprint for us as individuals. And, did we mention the brain? Will we ever understand all of its complexities? Design or chance?


When we consider the complexity of this world, is it reasonable to say that all of these wonders are just by chance? No. We must agree with the scientist, songwriter, and Christian, A.W. Dicus who wrote, “When we behold the wonders of creation, The flowers that bloom, the raindrops as they fall; The spacious skies and life’s perpetuation, we cannot doubt that God controlled it all.”

We conclude this lesson with a story from American history. Benjamin Franklin was at one time the Ambassador to France. While in Paris, he was a member of a social and scientific club. At one of their meetings, several of the “learned” men expressed the idea that only the superstitious and the uninformed believe in God. At the next meeting, Franklin brought in a beautifully designed model of the solar system. The planets were all in their proper relation to the sun and to each other and were all the right scale model sizes. One of the members who had laughed at the idea of God asked, “Who made it?” Without even the hint of a smile, Franklin replied, “No one, it just happened.”

“There is, beyond the azure blue, a God concealed from human sight, He tin-ted skies with heavenly hue and framed the worlds with His great might. There is a God, He is alive, in Him we live, and we survive; From dust our God created man, He is our God, the great I Am”

-A.W. Dicus